Updated 2/07/2025

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Q: How tall are Miniature Donkeys?
A: Miniature Donkeys are no more than 36" tall, at the withers. Our donkeys are an average of about 31/32" tall.
2. Q: How long can Miniature Donkeys live for?
A: Miniature Donkeys can live well into their 30s.
3. Q: Can I use my Miniature Donkeys as Livestock Guardians?
A: We do NOT recommend the use of Miniature Donkeys as Livestock Guardians. Miniature Donkeys are territorial, just like their bigger relatives. However, just like all other equines, donkeys are prey animals. Donkeys have self-preservation, not protective instincts. Despite what many say, donkeys can and have become very injured or killed by predators... and even by loose dogs. Due to this, we do our best to protect our own donkeys from these outside variables. Donkeys also don't always do well with smaller livestock and have been known to injure or kill (by accident from playing too rough or sometimes intentionally) them. To ensure that our donkeys are set up for success, we will not sell one of our Miniature Donkeys to someone who intends to use them as a livestock guardian.
4. Q: Can I have a Miniature Donkey as a Companion for my Dog?
A: We do NOT recommend buying a Miniature Donkey as a Companion for your dog. First, Donkeys are Herd animals. They are much happier with their own kind and tend to stay in pairs. Also, as mentioned above, Donkeys are territorial. They many times do not enjoy the company of a dog. However, dogs have also been known to Kill Miniature Donkeys. For the safety of both animals, it is best to keep them separated.
5. Q: How easy is it to Care for a Miniature Donkey?
A: Since Donkeys are "Desert" animals, they do not need to eat a lot of forage. They also do not need to be given grain but, we provide our foals and nursing jennets with a low protein grain. Miniature Donkeys are "easier" to care for than other equines because they do not require as much feed. However, they do still need regular hoof trims, their teeth floated, vaccinations, deworming, etc.
6. Q: Is it true that Miniature Donkeys are Stubborn?
A: It is very common to hear people say that "donkeys are stubborn." However, that is not necessarily true. Donkeys are very cautious animals. You need to earn their trust. Donkeys are very intelligent animals and remember many events in their lives. If they have been mistreated, it can take a lot of patience to gain their trust. However, once you have done so, they are very happy to please their people.
7. Q: Why can't I buy a single donkey?
A: It's not just that we won't sell a single donkey... it's that we will not sell a single donkey to a home without at least some other equine it's size... and this will all depend on the individual. Recently, people have been telling us that they are wanting to add a donkey to their home. This is where we educate people that a single donkey is a very lonely donkey. Donkeys can become depressed and this can cause other behavioral issues to occur. Our donkeys are raised with our miniature horse. Due to this, some of our donkeys are happy to live with a mini horse. However, not all of them are. This is where it would all depend on the individual. Our personal requirement is that, if you are to buy from us, you must already have at least one donkey, be actively searching for another donkey, or (if we believe the donkey would be happy with a miniature horse) at least have or be ISO a mini horse. We personally are not comfortable with selling our foals to people who will have them turned out with their horses, due to their safety, and will not sell one who will be the only little.
8. Q: How long are Jennets Pregnant for and when are the Foals Weaned from Mom?
A: On average, a Jennet is pregnant for 12 months. However, they have been known to be pregnant from anywhere between 10/14 months. Foals are weaned from their Dam between 5/6 months old, depending on how both the Dam and the Foal are doing.
9. Q: Why will you not sell a Jack as a Pet?
A: As mentioned above, a Jack is an Intact Male. We are very lucky with our four Jacks. They have amazing temperaments and dispositions. This is what we are striving for with our breeding. However, that does not always last. If someone buys a jack as a pet, they will not be breeding. Jacks can become very frustrated. This can cause many behavioral issues and aggression. This can be towards both people and other animals. Despite their small statures, it can become very dangerous. Owning a jack is a huge responsibility. If you are not a breeder, it is highly recommended that you either buy a Gelding or a Jennet.
As stated above, we will NOT sell one as a pet.
10. How common is it for a Spotted Foal to be Born?
A: For a Spotted Foal to be Born, there must be at least one Spotted Parent. There is a 66.7% chance of having a Spot and a 33.3% chance of a solid foal being born.